
It's More Interactive!

I loved it. It was much better than Cats. I'm going to use it again and again.

Created for Hack Library School


Reveal.Js has arrow button navigation & fragments:

  1. "Fragments" mean that things will appear sequentially.
  2. This will appear after the first.
  3. …and finally, this will as well!

Another slide!

Go look at the project's webpage for all the gritty details!

Reveal.js Navigation can also go vertically!

This helps when you want to show a few facets of a subject.

image of downward pointing arrow

Reveal.js is Awesomesauce!

GIF image of Jake from the *Adventure Time* cartoon series looking very excited

I think you'll agree that this is concentrated radness.

Thank you for your time!
Arrow icon by Mister Pixel from The Noun Project Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 3.0)