I’m publishing this week’s write-up rather late—but I do want to document the experience of moving somewhat, for other future librarians who move!
This week my two main library-related things were going to the Boise Library! (adorably, that exclamation mark appears in most of their branding and even on their building’s signage—they certainly know how libraries make me feel) and to Boise State University’s Albertsons Library for cards. Nope, I’m not affiliated with BSU. Many state universities have some provision for access to their collections for residents of the state, particularly ones that, like BSU, are part of the Federal Depository Library Program for government publications. You may be eligible for a “Special Borrowers’” or “Community Borrowers’” card at a nearly state institution of higher learning as well, even if you’re not directly affiliated.
Beyond that, I also finished reading Maria Accardi’s excellent Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction sometime around this week. On top of the fantastic writing and insights in each chapter, I particularly appreciate how she has included Further Reading sections and appendices of instruction exercises with feminist aspects.