Weekly Assemblage for 2025 Week 01
Reflecting on Winter Break. Challenging myself to post more frequently this year.
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Reflecting on Winter Break. Challenging myself to post more frequently this year.
A new note on how to teach Obsidian to list and count days related to events in your daily notes—plus add them up.
Internship, Interstellar, Mean Girls, AI Refusal, the Kobayashi Maru, Finding Your Purpose, and Kudos with Tinylytics.
Languaging, proposing, policy-making, policing, potentially melting, and other misadventures of the week.
espanso, Policing the Crisis, Goosebumps, Star Trek, Lower Decks, Dub Syndicate, and Dominion.
Enthusing about how other people share their notes.
Infomocracy, Idaho Fire newsletter, weeknotes, consensus, cycling, and words I learned.
Easy A, electoral politics, ethicswishing, etc.
Extraordinary Birder, Hyperlocal Psychogeography, and External Link Indicators.
A few movies, a few links; a pleasant little week.
Postrolls and Posthumans. Plus some other things.
Betty, Turkeys, Discovery, Tags, and Categories. Also, I’m back on my BookWyrm again!
Some of what I’m doing as of June 2024.
I was honored to participate in this panel, plus create the linked bibliography of related resources.
Toward a definition of ‘knowing’ that distinguishes it from languaging. And a little on what I want to call ‘cosmospolitanism,’ while we’re at it.
Some of what I’m doing, as of 2024-03-19.
Amy Minervini published a new OER English composition book. Mita Williams might dropkick you. Plant43 might make you move to the Sentient City.
Aspirations for this year, perhaps in fractal patterns.
Tough electro with bouncy rhythms and squiggly synths.
A quick poem, resources for the fun web, dolphining, A Fine Start, and a process improvement.
Lots of snow, incremental correctness patterns, the ELIZA effect, and more.
RSS reading; Author, Author and A.I.; and Site Refinements of the Week.
A tiny tribute based on dots I just connected, as I was going about my business.
Perspectives on AI from writing instructors, home page changes, and a new semester.
Seeing things somewhat clearer; initial reflections as we move beyond 2023.
Other people’s guides to getting started with Mastodon.
Wrapping up 2023 Fall Semester. Enjoying reading Overwhelmed. Toxic positivism and reply guys.
Brief mobile reflections.
A new note with some questions to spur critical thinking.
Writing with Executive Dysfunction webinar. A WorkingOnIt group. Links Rhizome and other site updates.
A new note on how to add original publication dates in Zotero.
How I use the Tasks plugin for Obsidian.
Here’s how I’m giving Academic Writing Month a go this year.
The plugins I use most with Obsidian.
I’ve been using Obsidian. Both enthusiastically and reluctantly.
Today’s work on putting together a light mode.
Some of what I’m doing as of May 2023.
VS Code Snippets and Spellcheck customizations. Designing for motivation.
If you find the default indicators distracting, here’s how to customize them.
Type similar things often? Here are some snippets you can use in VS Code.
Patterns for VS Code.
A week of sidequests. FOSS and Crafts podcasts. Notes spring cleaning.
Daily and weekly notes; Patterns; Something like an Information Humanities.
Looking for a brief but open-ended approach to reading and note-taking? Try Casey Boyle’s suggestions!
Looking for a succinct note-taking format? Try a rhetorical précis!
I’ve got blips in phone places.
Note linking to some useful Jekyll guides.
Testing blips, emitting bleeps. Popping up in places.
Looking to understand some Mastodon settings? Here are my own settings.
Looking for iOS apps for Mastodon? Here’s a few I recommend.
Note about how I track tasks in Dendron.
Some of what I’m up to as of June 2022.
Note about MathML, MathJax, and a workflow.
New note with suggestions for starting to use Dendron.
Looking for a nice dark theme? Here’s how I’ve customized Daybreak.
Looking for ways to keep literature notes? Here’s how I do so in Dendron.
Looking for a nice code or text editor? Here’s why I like VS Code.
Note with quotes about the cultural concepts of information and informatics.
Note linking about ADHD technologies.
Mindfulness with the Waking Up and Plum Village apps; Most excellent tunes from Sonic D and Autodidact
Note about ADHD and Apple Watches.
Links related to a lightning talk for the 2020 MOSS Meetup about our switch from the CRAAP test to the SIFT moves.
Organizing Ideas Podcast; The Latino Card; Tricycle Magazine; etc.
Monthly signal boosts will be short reflections on what I’ve read, listened to, watch, etc.
Some of what I’m doing as of July 2020.
The social model of disability offers insights into society, differences, and oppressive structures beyond disability.
Where I intend to be for ALAAC2018 and how I think we can make group notes.
Briefly linking to Emily Ford’s article about badges, a short reference about using type on the web, and getting going with a bibliography tool.
Can I make routinely time for these round-up posts this semester? Let’s find out, shall we? Links about journaling, pedagogy, and advocating for our patrons.
Critical reflection questions I ask myself and tools I find useful.
Many open access links plus excitement about adding comments to the site.
Design thinking in Idaho libraries, button templates from Librarian Design Share and Char Booth, and a few minor site font updates.
Links to some great articles I’ve read this last week, plus mentions of a few changes here on my site.
Another student-led conference that I wish I could have attended, plus more readings related to critical librarianship than you could shake a hashtag at.
I published the first reading notes on my open research notebook and I share some follow-up thoughts on emotional labor after this week’s Twitter chat.
Much like with succulents, I’ve planted an offshoot of this blog to see whether it’ll take root. Open Humanities Research Notebooks—come and join the future™.
The SWILA 2016 UnConference was a blast, and Joacim Hansson’s chapter on Chantal Mouffe in LIS is well worth your time.
Radical Librarians; UC Davis imagines a memory hole; Infrastructures of student dissent; Revolting Librarians.
Intro to #critlib 2; Improving accessibility for my reveal.js slides; Maker Showcase sounds and accessible statistics.
DERAIL 2016 student forum at Simmons! Also site updates — recommended readings pages and deep links with Anchor.js.
Links to the CLAPS2016 site, Storify, and shared notes. And some photos!
Tools for Thinking (for information literacy instruction) and Tech Tools for Keeping Thoughts in Order (using Atom and its packages).
THATCampBoiseState2016 was a gem—I hope it comes back next year.
Critlib chat about how we deal with the slow pace of social justice work; a great article examining how LibGuides hinders and potentially supports liberatory pedagogy.
Library privacy session with ACLU Idaho’s Ritchie Eppink and Library Freedom Project’s Alison Macrina at Meridian Library District’s unBound technology lab.
W.E.B. Du Bois as the founder of scientific sociology & its relevance for LIS; #WOCinTechChat stock photos; LIS Mental Health Week.
A culture of positivism, distinguishing between objectivity and objectivism, hegemony, false neutrality, values—this article has all sorts of relevance for librarianship!
A #critlib chat on information resources & incarcerated people; an upcoming #moocmooc on Instructional Design; Nuzzel the app.
Why weekly? Why assemblage? Why Fluxus? And what’s that ‘sous les pavés, la plage’ thing about?
Why do I #critlib? Because another librarianship is possible.
Makerspaces as Civic Infrastructure; Libraries as Infrastructure; Safe Spaces as Protections of Freedom (Not Censorship); The Demands.
Unanticipated Costs of “Doing More with Less”; Be Yr Own Her@; Making It Known that Libraraies are Spaces for Making.
Articles from LOEX Quarterly (one by Schoofs, another by Battista) that look at learning beyond the library’s space.
Enthusiasm about Massumi putting Deleuze in a nutshell! Analogies between the pedagogy & structural place of Writing Centers & libraries! Jekyll on the Run!
Three links & lots of enthusiasm! Elmborg’s Literacies Large and Small, a Time Management mega post, & how STEM relates to the liberal arts.
Halloween at CWI Library (Once Upon a Time); Readings I’m looking forward to; Taught my first library resources session.
A #critlib chat on gender & leadership in LIS, plus some history links.
Live! Real! Humans! (in the Classroom); Code Camps, the “Californian Ideology,” & Higher Ed’s Purpose; Open Access & “The Library of Forking Paths.”
Talking about librarianship values: objectivity as a value and valuing inclusivity enough to work toward it in earnest. And again—sorry, Eduardo.
Starting at the College of Western Idaho & going to the Idaho Library Association 2015 Annual Conference!
“Science” doesn’t have to be the only way to parse the “S” in LIS—I suggest some examples of using humanities-style critical theory in information studies in this post for Hack Library School.
Getting library cards and appreciating some unexpected aspects of Maria Accardi’s Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction.
Driving from Bloomington, Indiana to Boise, Idaho; Luciano Floridi’s Information: A Very Short Introduction.
A #critlib chat on information & migrant populations; threats to the Tor exit node in Kilton Public Library; CFP for papers on whiteness in LIS; study on lowering white defensiveness around racial privilege.
Reflections on the second #radlibchat and a Library Freedom Presentation by Alison Macrina.
Dropbox has both saved me from computer problems and helped me work more ubiquitously, so I sang the praises of it and other cloud storage at Hack Library School.
Reflecting on #critlib morphs into #critpotato for my much-delayed Week Four of #rhizo15 post, examining how online learning operates.
Are you looking for a good alternative to PowerPoint or Keynotes? Here’s a Hack Library School post about an excellent free & open source one!
I reflect on how arts & humanities undergraduates are taught critical theory & method, and how that might fall short preparing us for evaluating knowledge practices.
For Week Three of #rhizo15, I trace a few thoughts on content vs discontents or reification and the observable outcomes of human actions.
Week Two of #rhizo15—How we might count the affective aspects of learning? Also, what potential does Git give us for making open humanities notebooks?
I wrote for Hack Library School about using quirky results or affordances to make your instruction sessions more engaging.
For Week One of #rhizo15, I write about my predilection for research processes over writing outcomes & whether library “neutrality” thwarts supportive demeanor.
Still under construction, this post will be about my process of making a map of artist David Wojnarowicz’s gallery exhibits for the NOAA Science on a Sphere.
I write about moderating a #critlib Twitter chat on the constructivist potentials and neoliberal downsides of makerspaces, as well as briefly describe the moderation process.
For Week One of the Critical Pedagogy MOOC MOOC, I write about Paulo Freire’s problem-posing method and its potential links to critical librarianship.
I wrote for Hack Library School about taking notes—the actions, ideas, or project variety, not class notes—using Markdown or the Bullet Journal approach.
I wrote about critical librarianship and the #critlib chats on Twitter for Hack Library School.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Nicholas Basbanes recently gave talks touching on practices & situated uses of born-digital and cellulose-fiber materials, respectively. How can this inform digital libraries?
Although aimed at scientists, Software Carpentry’s workshops offer great learning experience for librarians, digital humanities folks, and anyone looking to work on digital files in groups.
The Online Archive of California lies somewhere between a finding aid and a digital library—and is a huge boon to researchers that would be worth emulating elsewhere.
A post where I describe trying—and thus far, failing—to use Bigfoot.js to make footnotes more engaging in a Jekyll/GitHub Pages blog. I’ll revisit this soon to give it another try.
Brief reflections on a talk about bringing digital humanities to the reference desk, which I co-presented with Katherine Ahnberg at the New Directions in Information Fluency conference.
Here’s a stellar ditty from Warp™ records that deserves being listened to with headphones or a subwoofer.
A Depeche Mode reference is more interesting than Hello World,
isn’t it?