I read a lot this last week or so—too much to annotate each in depth. So I’ll just quickly post links to all of these and suggest you go check them out:
Rebecca Halpern and Chimene Tucker’s “Leveraging Adult Learning Theory with Online Tutorials” article gave me a lot to think about as I’m trying to make new online material. (That’s a link to the open access version, by the way, which I’m linking to in case you don’t have access to the version of record.)
I also really appreciated Denisse Solis’s “LIS Programs & the Need for Dialog” article at Hack Library School.
Kate Rubick’s “Flashlight: Using Bizup’s BEAM to Illuminate the Rhetoric of Research” usefully explains Bizup’s BEAM model for engaging with sources. I’d already heard of the BEAM model while I was taking a course on library instruction from Andrea Baer, and Rubick’s article reinforces how useful Bizup’s approach can be. (That’s a link to the open access version, which I’m linking to in case you don’t have access to the version of record.)
If you’ve yet to read “Reader Response [to Eric Jennings, “The librarian stereotype: How librarians are damaging their image and profession” C&UL 23:1, 93-100]”, please just go read it now. Not only did the authors (Erica DeFrain, April Hathcock, Turner Masland, Nichole Pagowsky, Annie Pho, Miriam Rigby, and K.R. Roberto) craft a powerful response, but they also advocated for retaining their rights to place it in their institutional repositories.
I’ve starting streamlining the architecture of my site. There may be a few more changes coming, mostly with fonts at this point.
I’ve also added a page for my public talks. I’ll keep posting transcripts and slides for talks there from here on out.