Here’s a handful of links that I either shared or meant to share on Twitter:
Rachael Neu linked to Richard Van Heertum’s “How Objective is Objectivity?” article in UCLA InterActions journal recently in a list-serv. I’m eagerly awaiting reading that article, but in the meanwhile wanted to share the link to the InterActions overall. It looks like a great, open access, peer-reviewed LIS and education publication that focuses on information studies, not strictly information science. In other words, it’s very much up my alley!
Speaking of open access, I was very intrigued by Archambault, Côté, Struck, and Voorons’ note Research Impact of Paywalled versus Open Access Papers.
I saw that the Conference Proceedings of JITP 2010: The Politics of Open Source is online and open access. I found that while searching for a copy of John Sullivan’s “Free, Open Source Software Advocacy as a Social Justice Movement: The Discourse of Digital Rights in the 21st Century” article, which I’m still very much looking forward to reading.
Library Juice Press recently posted an interview with Dr. Annie Downey, author of Critical Information Literacy. It’s a great read and makes me look forward to getting my grubby paws my strenuously professional hands on a copy of the book that I can annotate for my very own!
Here’s a fun bread closing taxonomy. I hope to eventually work it into our information literacy for the sciences somehow.
Tara Robertson and Jenna Freedman moderated a #critlib Twitter conversation on the ethics of digitization. I wasn’t able to participate directly (only chiming in with a couple half-formed thoughts well afterward) but it looked great.
I’ve long wanted to add comments to the site without making people sign up for yet another service, as is required by most ways of adding comments to static sites (i.e. those made with Jekyll and similar site generators). So I was super excited when I saw that Michael Rose had added Staticman to the newest version of the Minimal Mistakes theme! The present site is still running on a much older version, but I managed to get the comments working and he was kind enough to help me figure out how to make them display properly.
You’re very welcome to submit a comment. I will of course moderate them, which Staticman cleverly allows by making use of GitHub’s branching feature. I’m excited by the prospect of this site becoming more collegial and interactive! 1