I'm slowly adding a light theme to this site. I apologize that some things aren't going to be ideal or perhaps even legible as I make all the changes.
Thanks for understanding!
I recently saw this tweet by Aimi Hamraie, with the hashtag ADHDtechnologies
Have been getting lots of questions about how to be an academic with ADHD. Different for all of us but here is one of my #adhdtechnologies: a flip-top notebook with running to do lists that I keep on my desk. This becomes the “inbox” for my passion planner. #criptechnoscience
— Aimi Hamraie they/them (@AimiHamraie) July 29, 2020
…so I figure that this wiki is a great venue to share some of the ADHD technologies I use.
a wonky wiki, a digital garden
= emerging note
= established note
= evergreen note
- open access = open access
= paywalled
- general web link = general web link
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