Hi, I'm Ryan.
I'm an instructional designer at Idaho State University, a Ph.D. student in English and the Teaching of English, and an academic journal editor.
Whether as a community college librarian, a college radio d.j., a rhetoric and composition instructor, or the other positions I've held, I help people understand complex ideas and systems, embrace curiosity, and explore new alternatives.
A better world is possible, and I aim to help make it happen. If you're curious for more details, here's more about me.
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critlib #feelings
Why do I #critlib? Because another librarianship is possible.
Freire and Critical Librarianship
For Week One of the Critical Pedagogy MOOC MOOC, I write about Paulo Freire’s problem-posing method and its potential links to critical librarianship.
Recent posts
Weekly Assemblage 2015 Week 38
Driving from Bloomington, Indiana to Boise, Idaho; Luciano Floridi’s Information: A Very Short Introduction.
Weekly Assemblage 2015 Week 37
A #critlib chat on information & migrant populations; threats to the Tor exit node in Kilton Public Library; CFP for papers on whiteness in LIS; study on lowering white defensiveness around racial privilege.
Weekly Assemblage 2015 Week 36
Reflections on the second #radlibchat and a Library Freedom Presentation by Alison Macrina.
All Hail Cloud Storage
Dropbox has both saved me from computer problems and helped me work more ubiquitously, so I sang the praises of it and other cloud storage at Hack Library School.
Critical Hot Potato! aka #Rhizo15 Week Four
Reflecting on #critlib morphs into #critpotato for my much-delayed Week Four of #rhizo15 post, examining how online learning operates.