Hi, I'm Ryan.

I'm an instructional designer at Idaho State University, a Ph.D. student in English and the Teaching of English, and an academic journal editor.

Whether as a community college librarian, a college radio d.j., a rhetoric and composition instructor, or the other positions I've held, I help people understand complex ideas and systems, embrace curiosity, and explore new alternatives.

A better world is possible, and I aim to help make it happen. If you're curious for more details, here's more about me.

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Somewhat regular posts.
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Annotated links.
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Other pages of note.
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Other people's posts.
I use & enthuse.

Featured Posts

Freire and Critical Librarianship

For Week One of the Critical Pedagogy MOOC MOOC, I write about Paulo Freire’s problem-posing method and its potential links to critical librarianship.

Recent posts

Everything Counts in Affective Amounts

Week Two of #rhizo15—How we might count the affective aspects of learning? Also, what potential does Git give us for making open humanities notebooks?

Hack Quirk Your Presentations

I wrote for Hack Library School about using quirky results or affordances to make your instruction sessions more engaging.

Learning Subjectives

For Week One of #rhizo15, I write about my predilection for research processes over writing outcomes & whether library “neutrality” thwarts supportive demeanor.

Wojnarowicz on a Sphere

Still under construction, this post will be about my process of making a map of artist David Wojnarowicz’s gallery exhibits for the NOAA Science on a Sphere.

#critlib Makerspaces

I write about moderating a #critlib Twitter chat on the constructivist potentials and neoliberal downsides of makerspaces, as well as briefly describe the moderation process.