Hi, I'm Ryan.
I'm an instructional designer at Idaho State University, a Ph.D. student in English and the Teaching of English, and an academic journal editor.
Whether as a community college librarian, a college radio d.j., a rhetoric and composition instructor, or the other positions I've held, I help people understand complex ideas and systems, embrace curiosity, and explore new alternatives.
A better world is possible, and I aim to help make it happen. If you're curious for more details, here's more about me.
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critlib #feelings
Why do I #critlib? Because another librarianship is possible.
Freire and Critical Librarianship
For Week One of the Critical Pedagogy MOOC MOOC, I write about Paulo Freire’s problem-posing method and its potential links to critical librarianship.
Recent posts
Weekly Assemblage for 2024 Week 03
Lots of snow, incremental correctness patterns, the ELIZA effect, and more.
Weekly Assemblage for 2024 Week 02
RSS reading; Author, Author and A.I.; and Site Refinements of the Week.
Observations on Aaron Swartz Day
A tiny tribute based on dots I just connected, as I was going about my business.
Weekly Assemblage for 2024 Week 01
Perspectives on AI from writing instructors, home page changes, and a new semester.
rearview mirror 2023
Seeing things somewhat clearer; initial reflections as we move beyond 2023.